Monica Nayar


Trainer, Academician & Counseling Psychologist


Sun to Thurs

10pm to 5pm


  • Monica has 21 years of experience in offering psychological interventions and psychotherapy to individuals, couples and groups across all ages, background and conditions.
  • Expert in treating Depression, anxiety, disorders, grief counseling, relationship intervention personality disorders, suicidal behavior and substance abuse by using various therapies and modalities.

She is armed with:

  • Primary and Advanced Certificate in CBT & REBT for Children, Adolescents and Parents by Ann Vernon, President of Albert Ellis Institute New York.
  • Certification of Cognitive Behavior Therapy from the Beck’s Institute, Pennsylvania.
  • Certification of Dialectical Behavior Therapy from Marsha Linehan DBT Institute.
  • Certification of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy from Dr. Russ Harris.
  • Certification of Emotionally Focused Therapy from Sue Johnson.
  • Offers counselling for couple therapy using the Gottman Couple Therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy.

Certified in Clinical Integrated Hypnotherapy.

  • Trained by HSBC in conducting ‘Mental Health conversations at work’ program, developed by First Aid England.
  • She has worked as Consulting psychotherapist at various hospitals and out of her own clinic in India.
  • Previously she worked as a corporate trainer and was an owner of a training company where she Trained and developed capacities for 7000 young aspirants for employability skills, English communication, Accent Enhancement Training, and Personality Development

Book Your Appointment

For your appointment please call us on our hotline numbers 01894 88 28 22 or 01894 80 43 33.

For online appointment please fill up the form on your right.

Thank You !!

For your appointment please call us on our hotline numbers 01894 88 28 22 or 01894 80 43 33.

For online appointment please fill up the form below. Thank You !!

For your online appointment please fill up below form