Monica Nayar
Trainer, Academician & Counseling Psychologist
- Years of Experience:
- Visiting Days:
Sun to Thurs
- Visiting Hours:
10pm to 5pm
- Monica has 21 years of experience in offering psychological interventions and psychotherapy to individuals, couples and groups across all ages, background and conditions.
- Expert in treating Depression, anxiety, disorders, grief counseling, relationship intervention personality disorders, suicidal behavior and substance abuse by using various therapies and modalities.
She is armed with:
- Primary and Advanced Certificate in CBT & REBT for Children, Adolescents and Parents by Ann Vernon, President of Albert Ellis Institute New York.
- Certification of Cognitive Behavior Therapy from the Beck’s Institute, Pennsylvania.
- Certification of Dialectical Behavior Therapy from Marsha Linehan DBT Institute.
- Certification of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy from Dr. Russ Harris.
- Certification of Emotionally Focused Therapy from Sue Johnson.
- Offers counselling for couple therapy using the Gottman Couple Therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy.
Certified in Clinical Integrated Hypnotherapy.
- Trained by HSBC in conducting ‘Mental Health conversations at work’ program, developed by First Aid England.
- She has worked as Consulting psychotherapist at various hospitals and out of her own clinic in India.
- Previously she worked as a corporate trainer and was an owner of a training company where she Trained and developed capacities for 7000 young aspirants for employability skills, English communication, Accent Enhancement Training, and Personality Development