Do Not Go With the Flow, Be the Flow

The phrase “Do Not Go with the Flow, Be the Flow,” by Elif Shafak, a renowned Turkish-British public speaker, emphasizes the importance of steering one’s life rather than conforming to societal norms. These norms often dictate how one should look, behave, and think, prescribing a conventional path. This phrase serves as a powerful reminder to take control of one’s decisions and life direction, encouraging initiative, self-determination, and leadership. It suggests that instead of passively following the crowd, one should actively create their path and influence their surroundings. Miss J’s experience vividly illustrates this concept in student life. Through proactive choices and dedication to personal development, Miss J transformed her academic journey and distinguished herself as a leader and innovator.


Miss J entered university with common expectations: attending classes, completing assignments, and aiming for high grades. However, she quickly realized that following this conventional path would not provide the enriching and impactful college experience she desired. The traditional flow of student life seemed to offer limited opportunities for personal and academic growth.


Miss J encountered several challenges:

  • Lack of Engagement: She felt disengaged from lectures and coursework, finding the passive learning environment unfulfilling.
  • Limited Opportunities: The standard curriculum provided few chances for exploration and innovation beyond traditional academic boundaries.
  • Peer Pressure: Many of her peers were content with the status quo, making it challenging for her to break free from conventional norms.

Strategic Moves

  1. Seeking Mentorship: Miss J sought mentors among faculty members and upperclassmen who shared her interests and aspirations. These mentors provided valuable guidance and support, helping her navigate university life.
  2. Exploration and Extracurricular Involvement: She actively pursued opportunities beyond the classroom. She joined student organizations, participated in research projects, and secured internships related to her field of interest.
  3. Creating Her Own Path: Understanding the importance of taking ownership of her education, she designed her own interdisciplinary study plan, combining courses from various departments to create a personalized learning experience.
  4. Innovative Projects: Miss J initiated and collaborated on innovative projects inside and outside the classroom. She worked with peers to develop solutions to real-world problems and started community outreach programs.
  5. Networking and Collaboration: Building a strong network of like-minded individuals was crucial to her success. She actively sought opportunities to collaborate with peers, faculty, and professionals in her field, forming valuable connections for her academic and professional journey.


  • Academic Excellence: Miss J excelled academically through her proactive approach to learning, earning recognition for her innovative projects and contributions to the academic community.
  • Leadership and Influence: She emerged as a leader among her peers, inspiring others to pursue their passions and think creatively.
  • Professional Opportunities: Her involvement in extracurricular activities and innovative projects led to internships, research opportunities, and job offers from top companies.
  • Personal Growth: Miss J’s journey was not just about academic success but also about personal development and self-discovery. She gained confidence, developed valuable skills, and formed lifelong connections.

Miss J’s journey illustrates the principle of “Do Not Go with the Flow, Be the Flow” within the realm of student life. Through proactive decision-making, a commitment to personal growth, and a willingness to challenge the status quo, she transformed her university experience and became a leader and innovator. Her story serves as an inspiration to students everywhere, demonstrating the transformative power of taking control of one’s education and creating opportunities for growth and impact.

Sumaia Shiju
Psychologist, wEvolve

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